get in touch with us to start your career!
Student Information
1. University Address
- No. 681, Pyay Rd., 10th Mile (Near Airport Avenue), Insein 11011,Yangon, Myanmar
2. Building
- Three-storied building (more than 20,000 square feet in total area) with underground car parking
3. Transport
- Close to bus stops; public transports are easily available
4. Infrastructure and Facilities
- Six lecture rooms (a minimum of 30 students can accommodate in each room)
- Basic Laboratory Training Room
- Nursing Skill lab
- Computer Skill Lab
- Library
- Students’ Recreation Room
- Lecturers’ Rooms
- Staff Rooms
- Dining Room for lecturers and staff
- Spacious Dormitory for female students
- One wide room for male students
- Adequate number of bath rooms and toilets in all three stories of the building
- Meeting Room
- Registrar Office
- Wifi Access
College Tour
Health Sciences Technology Courses
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT)
- SML Medical and Diagnostic Centre
- SML Advanced Medical Laboratory
- Hospital laboratories and diagnostic centres
- Chemicals and health products industries
- Medical Centres
- Research centres
Diploma in Medical Imaging Technology (DMIT)
- SML Medical and Diagnostic Centre
- SML Advanced Medical Laboratory
- Radio Imaging Department of hospitals and medical centres
- Trauma Unit
- Radiation Therapy Unit
- Research centres
Diploma in Dialysis Therapy (DDT)
- SML Medical and Diagnostic Centre
- SML Advanced Medical Laboratory
- SML Renal Dialysis Centre
- Renal dialysis unit/ department in specialist hospitals and medical centres
- Dialysis machine manufacturing company
- Research Scientist in renal dialysis technology and related fields
- Research centres
Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (DNM)
- Clinical placement: Hospitals (Shwe La Min Private Hospital and Karen Baptist Convention, KBC Hospital) and community centers
College Tour
Business Management Courses
MBA in Healthcare Management
- Hospitals, medical centres
- Non-government Organisations (NGOs) and International Non-government Organisations (INGOs) such as WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, etc…
- Pharmaceuticals and health related products industries and companies
Venue for Training
for Health Sciences Technology Courses, General Nursing and Midwifery Course, and Business Management Courses
For teaching venues: (All courses)
No. 681, Pyay Rd., 10th Mile (Near Airport Avenue), Insein 11011, Yangon, Myanmar
For Laboratory Skill Training: (DMLT, DMIT, DDT)
- Basic Laboratory Training Room, SML University
- SML Advanced Medical Laboratory: No. 664-665, Pyi Thar Yar St, Thingungyun 11071, Yangon, Myanmar
For Clinical Skill Training: (Nursing and Midwifery)
- Nursing Skill Lab, SML University
- Shwe La Min Hospital: 1254 Thudhama Road, Ward-2 North Okkalapa Township Yangon, Myanmar
- Karen Baptist Convention Health Care Hospital: No(14/A) Seminary Hill , Insein, Myanmar